Tag: whole foods

Grilled salmon with raspberry sauce and fresh thyme on top, served on rice
Mains, Sides

Easy Healthy Salmon in Raspberry Sauce

I’ve been playing around with different sauces to keep things interesting – since I eat so much salmon (and fish in general) – and this raspberry sauce has been such a nice addition to our daily meals. It’s super simple and easily turns a plain grilled salmon into something a […]

Easy Turkish chickpea rice with onion, carrot, garlic. Served with lemon juice and fresh parsley on top.
Mains, Sides, Vegan, Vegetarian

Easy Chickpea Rice Recipe

An easy Turkish style chickpea rice cooked in chicken broth with carrot, onion, garlic, butter and spices. It’s just a nice alternative to plain rice that also adds a little boost of nutrition. πŸ™‚ And it’s especially delicious with some freshly squeezed lemon juice, lots of fresh parsley and a […]